User Research


The most exciting projects I have done are hardware-related, from wearable devices to self-driving cars. And as I had the opportunity to partner with outstanding researchers, I continued the work of understanding how people use their remote control and pilot metrics and systems to benchmark how much we have improved from previous iterations.


  • Encode a framework for statistical analysis of the aggregate usability testing and behavioral log analysis.

  • Validate the proposed metrics to gauge how devices stand between each other.

Initial Baselines

This project started in collaboration with a senior researcher who created the initial framework to evaluate the most common tasks users perform with their remote control while using their smart TVs. During a year, we conducted multiple usability studies to fine-tune the metrics and tasks, gathering data to run statistical tests to compare them.

During this initial phase, I worked on the statistical analysis and gathered the behavioral logs to understand the aggregate usage of the 70+ million devices currently in use.


The findings of this research led to a new remote launched in the Fall of '22. While this remote control was under hardware testing, I evaluated our remote controls, adding the button presses recorded during the studies.

While evaluating other remote controls, additional features not previously included in the metrics were added, given that they are exclusive to some remotes. This evaluation included country-specific metrics and a dashboard to gauge the different behaviors per country and between remote controls, which have distinct features.

Keeping an open channel of communication


  • Collaborating with the designers and PMs was valuable in understanding what was most meaningful for them. In addition, it solidified our research, which led to a change in the direction of some decisions taken before having the data.

  • Given that this project continued intermittently for two years, having well-documented research and moderator guides and scripting the statistical analysis to optimize the work proved critical to delivering valuable results to our stakeholders.